Sunday, June 30, 2013

I'm on summer break

Hello friends! Long time, no talk. I stopped using this blog because the quarter system is bonkers. You have to squeeze in an entire class into 10 weeks where other schools get entire semesters to cover the same topics. Anyway, I wanted to come back to this blog. I know I have a tumblr, but that's for like not serious things? I wanted to make this slightly more serious, but not serious because I'm not serious. How many more times can I say serious?

Look at that double rainbow. So majestic.

A few bullet points about what I'm doing currently with my life:
  • I'm about halfway through reading Game of Thrones. So far, I am enjoying it because it provides a lot more back story to plenty of the characters on the show. In the show, I feel like they just put Stannis Baratheon in there like, "Uh, hi. I'm Stannis. I want to be king now. Bye." In the book, they explain how he was in the King's Counsel and that he left after Jon Arryn died. I am terribly behind in how much I want to have read from that book, but there's always the rest of the summer to finish reading.
  • I'm jobless, but I do babysit for two of my cousins, so I have SOME source of income. Babysitting is fun because I basically get to jump on my trampoline and color for hours on end. 
  • My apartment lease starts up on August 1st, which absolutely terrifies me because I'm going to be living on my own? I still need to go shopping for things for my apartment like a bed and a desk (coughcoughIKEAtripcoughcough).
  • I did a lot of cleaning out of my room, and I'm going to hold a garage sale to get rid of a lot of clothes that I never wear to hopefully make some money for the apartment things that I need.
I love summer. Bye.

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